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A magazine created
for you, you and you
What is “wellness”? Well, we don’t really know. Really!

From the very beginning, we had decided on the overarching theme of “wellness” for Taikoo Li Qiantan; it’s infused into every aspect of the project, from its design to its personality. But yet, even today, we still haven’t been able to precisely define what wellness is. There isn’t even a Chinese term for the concept!

So we thought, if wellness is so difficult to define, why don’t we put our minds together and work it out. And, unsurprisingly, it wasn’t easy. One of our teammates suggested that it seemed more like a process of elimination: it’s neither about being “Zen” nor about following any religious or spiritual path. From a “what it is” point of view, some thought it was about positivity, and being good to yourself, your friends, your family, and to the Earth.

What exactly
is wellness?
We realised that maybe we should think of wellness as an all-encompassing concept instead – an ongoing exploration, rather than something with an official definition. And that’s when the idea of a magazine was born, where we could allow everyone to experience “wellness” in their own way through the power of words and imagery. That’s how, in early 2019, YŌU was conceived.

While launching YŌU and opening Taikoo Li Qiantan, we’ve arrived at a better understanding of wellness and now associate terms like “balance”, “positivity”, “joy” and “living well” with this theme. While there still isn’t a single word or phrase that we can use to explain wellness, our team will continue to work hard to deliver wellness to every corner of Taikoo Li Qiantan.

And this magazine, YŌU, is here to help inspire this ongoing discussion. Wellness encompasses the “good” everywhere: being good to yourself, to others, to your family, to the environment. All of this goodness together creates a certain greatness – reflected in the Chinese character for YŌU (优), which means exceptional, outstanding and brilliant. But the English name also emphasises that it’s all about “you”, our reader.

Available electronically – making it environmentally friendly and easier to share with your friends – we hope that YŌU can find its way into your smart device and serve as a little inspiration for when you need some ideas for living well.

Taikoo Li Qiantan is here to embark on a wellness journey with all of you – and you. Because life is for living, but don’t just live it – live it well. Let’s begin this journey right here, with YŌU.
Spring 2021
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Cover Story
Way to
What does it mean to live well in
the modern world? YŌU
eavesdrops into conversations
around the globe, and shows you
how many small things can add
to a whole new way of living
Text: Emily Chu / Illustrations: Lok Wong
Wellness – we hear about it all the time now. There are some things that we know about it: it’s important, it involves good health, eating well, and an active lifestyle. These are the basics to being well.
What does it
mean to live well?
It’s a question that so many of us are asking ourselves, particularly in a post-pandemic world. So let’s explore…
The world
of wellness
Yearning to live better is one similarity that brings us all together across the globe, despite the miles between us. And there’s a singular feeling that we all gravitate towards when we think of being well: happiness.

But happiness is a difficult concept to define.

For this, we turn to the World Happiness Report, which ranks countries and cities in order of the happiness of its residents. For 2020, the Report focused on environments for happiness, considering the social environment of a country, the level of happiness in cities and rural areas, and the natural environment.

This year’s winner? Helsinki. The makings of a good life, a good work-life balance, open studies on welfare and quality of life, and overall positive vibes where residents feel safe, valued and stress-free are what makes it a happy city. The Finnish also define happiness as something that is more about contentedness and being at peace – and that makes us think that globally, happiness and wellness are connected in many ways.
The way we talk
about wellness now
is always changing
But wellness, of course, comes with its own continuously emerging trends. It might have started with yoga and calorie-counting, but now, the way we talk about wellness is very quickly expanding, and always changing.

In the near future, the world is getting ready to explore circadian health, or marrying energy healing and traditional remedies. We’ll be thinking about wellness sabbaticals as part of work/life balance. According to the Global Wellness Institute, now’s the time to discover brain-boosting botanicals, to nurture our senses, spaces and sleep, while meditation and mindfulness continue to be prominent in our new, refined, integrated daily routines.

These are parts of the global conversation that are going to guide how we all see wellness.
Wellness in China:
what are we talking
In China, we’re aiming to live better too, and the chatter on wellness continues get even louder. But we’re no longer just talking about short-term fads like #A4Waist or #iPhone6Knee – we’re focusing on long-term wellness instead.

Wellness has infiltrated our daily conversations – and even into our domestic travel plans. Nowadays, travel means much more than just exploring a destination, and hotels aren’t just for the hours you’re asleep. Itineraries at holistic wellbeing destinations will have you taking care of more than just your wanderlust; you’ll be slipping out of regular routines and sliding into a change of environment that will restore and rejuvenate you in areas like nutrition, yoga, spiritual healing, and beauty.
Wellness has
infiltrated our daily
We’re demanding more from our environment, as well. We want cleaner air, indoors and out, and are thinking more about sustainability – for ourselves and for future generations. Just recently in Shanghai, actions like the plastic bag ban and Clean Plate campaign support a less common, yet equally important, sustainability exercise – waste. Going green and becoming more eco-friendly is quickly becoming commonplace, supported by conscious initiatives from fashion to F&B and design.
It’s the younger
generation that’s
leading the way
And it’s the younger generation that’s leading the way to this path to greener living. “Young people are more motivated to go green because the environmental problems are so clear and ‘in their face’, like seeing smog in the morning, going to the Bund and viewing dirty rivers,” says Sherry Poon, founder and organiser of Eco Design Fair Shanghai.

“Living well is about living responsibly,” she continues. “We dream of healthy neighbourhoods to live, move, work, play, learn and thrive in. By connecting like-minded people, sharing knowledge and solutions, and facilitating change, our daily experiences improve and our life in the city becomes happier and healthier as a whole.”
It’s all
about you
“Wellness is highly personal and, at the same time, fantastic, as we get to create our own wellness plans and lifestyles once we know ourselves well – our unique body and mind, cells and DNA,” says Kimberly Ashton, wellness coach and Traditional Chinese Medicine food therapy teacher. Ultimately, the wealth in wellness is created by you. Better still, coming together while doing it creates a greater collective wellness that benefits the entire society.
Wellness is
highly personal
Incorporating wellness into everyday living doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking; steps can be small, simple, and even silly. But where do we even start?

To help you on your journey into this new kind of wellness, we’ve put together a few suggestions on how you can add a little bit to your happiness jar, even during the most mundane days – because it’s these little moments that add up to a life well lived.
Pet a
There’s something about the round belly of a pug, that silly cat getting stuck in a small space, that cutie hamster hamming it up, or even a goldfish blowing endless bubbles. They’re “emotional support animals” for a reason – they boost your mood!
Whether in person or even browsing images online, find a way to spend some time with your animal of choice.
Adopt, don’t shop, when you’re ready to bring a furry friend home.
Indulge (for) now
Here we were, being told constantly that wellness was all about counting your calories, watching every morsel you eat during meals, and never being allowed to indulge. Ignore that – it’s all about balance and moderation. There’s a time and place to go all out, so enjoy that experience to the fullest. While you’re at it, try some new flavours, too – there’s a world of food to enjoy out there!
“Cheers” (a few times) to a worthwhile celebration during a more, oh, nutritiously liberal meal. Tomorrow, we pare back.
Over-eat, over-drink, over-do it for days in a row, and pretend to sleep it off.
Do you need it, or do you want it? Either way, find that piece that really sparks joy for an extended period of time.
Buy the trendiest item every season and leave it in the corner after a week.
Splurge a little
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t find happiness in things – there’s plenty of joy to be had in a new bag, jacket or gadget that you’ve been eyeing up. Maybe now’s the time to splurge on it as a treat. But think it through – that careful consideration will also have you ending up with something that you really cherish, and if you really love it, you’ll make good use of it, and treasure it.
The numbers game
715. 996. Work is important, but so is rest. Work out an equation for your weekend (888: sleep, me-time, socialise?) to make the most of your time off. Find discipline in totally switching off when you’ve left the office, or setting limits to how “on it” you will be during off-hours. Promise us you’ll try?
Instead of seeing them as annoying pop-up reminders, utilise those “Do Not Disturb” email functions.
Force yourself to keep working on that project until you’re typing nonsense and not making sense and seeing elephants dance in front of you and… what?
Back to basics
Bring it all back to basics to realise why we love something in the first place. Write instead of type. Make instead of reheat. Create instead of consume. Flip instead of swipe.
Mail a letter instead of shooting off an email. Cook a warming stew for an afternoon instead of three-minutes for instant noodles. Paint your own artwork instead of buying something online. Read pages instead of screens.
Lose patience. See it through – you don’t have to do it again, but the experience might change you.
Be a tourist
…in your own city! It’s easy to get trapped inside our bubbles, and assume that we’ll have a chance to visit a place because it’s “right there”. It can be so inspiring to discover something new, right on our doorstep. Get some variety in there – restaurants, museums, parks, anything, everything.
With your friends or family, create a shared list of new places to visit and check one off each time you meet. Qiantan, anyone?
Be a “my neighbourhood is better than your neighbourhood” snob.
Make an effort to see touring shows to see how art is evolving around the world.
Think that art is just something that’s high-brow and boring. That thought is boring!
Enjoy some showtime
See a show, any show. We consume so much culture on our phones nowadays, from music to art to drama, but the digital experience can never quite replace seeing something in person. Going to an exhibition and seeing the fine texture on that painting. Seeing a gig and feeling the energy of the music and the people around you. Going to the theatre and experiencing the drama of the moment, the actors and the set... these can be inspiring moments.
Do good
We’ve all got our community, whether it’s where we live, work or spend most of our time. And most of these communities have got organisations that support them. Why not join in? From a food kitchen for the underprivileged to cleaning up public spaces to animal welfare, find something that’s meaningful to you. Supporting them will put lots of warm fuzzies in your generous heart.
Encourage others to join you – it could be a weekend family bonding activity, or a company-wide holiday project – to build on that collective wellness we’re all talking about.
Keep your good fortune all to yourself. Sharing, after all, is caring.
Make a promise to yourself
There’s a lot going on at all times, and so much to take care of – life, others, work, home. But don’t forget about what’s most important – you. Because that’s who you need most to be well, and to live well.
Build a keystone habit (“I will wake up at 6am to have extra, relaxing time in the morning”) that has a significant change to your overall wellbeing. The rest will follow – as will feeling triumphant.
…give up. You can do it!
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The Wellbeing
The Importance of Inner
Happiness with Julia Zhu
Licensee and Sr. Coach of LMI
(Leadership & Management International)
Partner of Panoramic Awareness Space
Living Your
Inner Wellness
YŌU’s regular column
features personal stories by
wellness experts on living well.
Maybe they’ll spark a little
inspiration for your wellness
journey, too…
I’m a life coach. And the most common question I get asked is, how can I live a happier life?

This was something I wondered for myself, not too long ago. Being a coach is a meaningful yet challenging job: it requires me to support others and lead them to explore their potential. It allows me to see others – as well as myself – from a brand new, 360-degree perspective.

My own exploration into all of this really started nine years ago, when I gave birth to my son. And it began when I asked myself a very simple question: what kind of lifestyle do I really want?
I asked myself
a very simple question:
what kind of lifestyle do I really want?
At that time, I just wanted to spend more time with my baby. I also wanted to have a sustainable career that benefitted both others and myself. So I made a risky decision to leave my job to complete a coaching certification. This opened a new door for me, not only in a new career, but also in meeting people, like teachers who have been guiding and inspiring me to experience and comprehend different facets of life in new ways. Looking back, I am very grateful to my child because it was his arrival that changed the course of my life.

One of the most important discoveries I’ve had from doing this job is that everyone, regardless of their age and profession, has exactly the same need deep within their heart: inner happiness and inner wellness. This innermost need to be happy and healthy is like an engine that never stops running. It inspires all of our decisions and actions – and helps us to decide whether to do certain things or not.
Being happy and
healthy is like an
engine that never
stops running
The funny thing is, if you observe carefully, in many cases, the actions we take are actually contrary to our deepest needs. Like online shopping, for example. Its original purpose was to let us shop in a more convenient way. Yet the reality is that we’re often left feeling confused and lost in the endless choices and information presented to us, and we end up spending more time and money than expected. Frustrating situations like these take us further and further away from that inner happiness that we crave.

In other words, your inner happiness really depends on whether you can make the wisest decision for yourself. Cultivating this kind of wisdom is not easy, but it is achievable by honing our sense of awareness.
Your inner happiness
depends on whether you
can make the wisest
decision for yourself
A wise man once said, “When you have awareness, you have a choice”. Awareness is a pure and simple “knowing” that does not have any labels and judgements attached to it that influence our feelings and thinking. It allows you to have a truly objective view on the overall situation without being restricted by your habitual reactions. Once you are aware, you will find that there is always a choice, at that moment, in everything.

I think about the practice of awareness as “leave it as it is”. Aside from meditation, I focus on the present even when I’m doing something mundane. For example, when I’m jogging, I try not to listen to music or look at messages on my mobile. Instead, I listen to my body: the sensation of my limbs, my breath, my heartbeat and the changes in my emotions throughout the run. I also pay attention to the light and temperature; how do I feel as the wind comes into contact with my body? I am aware of my feelings, emotions and thoughts, and I don’t pass any judgement; instead, I simply leave them as they are, and then let them go.

Also, we’re so reliant on being online now. So I’ll take a break from my electronic devices, and meet my friends at a museum, art gallery, or another beautiful place to open my senses to new sights, smells, sounds, temperatures and flavours. I really value this time connecting with others in person.
I can’t just ‘find’
time to do things
I love – I have to
‘schedule’ time
for them
But, I also realise that I can’t just “find” time to do things I love – I have to “schedule” time for them. So I’ve dropped the “I’ll do it when I have time” mentality now. I’ve sent many “Let’s meet up for dinner!” messages with my friends, but how many times did that actually happen? Either this friend isn’t all that important, or I’d never attempted to make the arrangements in the first place. Now, I just pick up the phone and schedule it in.

Making time to try something new allows me to see things – including others, and myself – from a whole new perspective. Recently, I started studying calligraphy. My teacher (who is a millennial!) taught me to slow down to first study the structure and spacing of a sample word by reputed calligraphers before converting that into the movement of my shoulders and wrists to make a stroke of my own. It made me realise how hard it was to notice these tiny movements of parts of my body that are connected to me at all times!
Making time to try
something new allows me
to see things from a whole
new perspective
I’m reminded of something that I’d learnt from one of my most respected teachers: make effort, but do so in a relaxed way. When I first heard it, I thought, well, that’s contradictory; “effort” and “relaxing” are two opposing concepts.

When we’re working hard, we feel tightly wound, while relaxation can only happen when we’re not doing anything, or laying on the beach. But I learnt to view relaxation from an awareness point of view, so that I can focus on each moment even during the busiest times. Through this, I learnt to let go of judgement of myself and others, and even judgement of judgements, and was able to create a mind space where I could truly relax.
Make effort,
but do so in a
relaxed way
Achieving inner happiness and inner wellness does not mean that you have to hide from difficulties and challenges. They also aren’t things that you wait for and can only achieve after you’ve overcome all of your hurdles. On the contrary, these are the nutrients that we need to keep growing in this uncertain world. I choose to nurture my inner happiness and inner wellness in every moment of my life. What about you?
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Fashion & Beauty
It's not just good for the planet -
shopping sustainably benefits
you, too
Text: Dominic Ngai
YŌU loves to shop, and we’re sure you do too – so you’ve probably heard of Green Consumption before, and what it endeavours to do.

And there are plenty of reasons to get behind it – it helps support a better environment, reduces waste, saves natural resources and fairly rewards the workers who produce our fashion, to name just a few.
Support a better
environment, reduce
waste, and save
natural resources
When we talk about sustainable fashion, it’s often about what it does for our planet and the greater good of humanity. Sometimes, this makes it hard for us to appreciate the small differences from our contributions.

But what about how it benefits us, as an individual? There are lots of ways that shopping sustainably can actually benefit you, right now, and help you live better. Here are just a few…
Dressing naturally
More healthier options

Just like how a healthy diet is important to your wellness, having a wardrobe made with sustainable fabric is good for you, too. Clothing made of eco-friendly fabrics, can be better for your body.

First of all, fabrics that contain too much synthetic dye and chemicals may lead to respiratory problems and skin irritation. On the other hand, sustainable materials like organic cotton and other natural fibres like hemp and linen are ultra-comfortable and temperate. Your skin will be able to breathe more naturally during stifling hot Shanghai summers.
Supporting fairly
made materials
is just a good
thing to do
Secondly, supporting fairly made materials is just a good thing to do. Just knowing you’re supporting practices that are ethical and good for the environment will put a good feeling in your heart.
“Slowing down”
More love in
your wardrobe
We’re now starting to get familiar with the idea of “slow” fashion: seeking locally produced garments (which cuts down on carbon footprint) made with slower schedules and fair wages using biodegradable fabrics that have little adverse effect on the environment.

Don’t get us wrong, we love picking up a small percentage of trendy pieces each season. Slow fashion, though, also reminds us to really think before making a purchase for longevity, choosing well-made, high-quality items that become prized possessions that we take care of well.
Choose well-made,
high-quality items
This is where fashion houses like LVMH come in with umbrella sustainability initiatives that have many of its brands, such as LOEWE, Christian Dior and Stella McCartney, working to produce products that are both good for your closet, and for the planet. Take luxury cashmere brand Loro Piana, for example, who have introduced the “Loro Piana Method” for producing quality cashmere that supports sustainable development without compromising quality. This method focuses on selective breeding of cashmere goats in the Alashan region in Inner Mongolia, which takes into consideration the balance of animals, the environment, and the local population with ideals such as smaller herds and justified shearing.
High quality pieces
More $$$ in
your pocket
It’s a simple equation: quality goods cost more, but they will last longer. Luckily for us, luxury fashion house Kering ticks two boxes – aside from being synonymous with premium, coveted luxe products, they’re also going to the next level with sustainability in fashion by leading the Fashion Pact, a coalition of brands committed to reducing environmental impact across the entire industry.

What does it mean? Well, quality matters. Investing in high-quality pieces means the fewer purchases you will have to make to replace it – and the fewer times your credit card will come into use. Consider the high-quality RMB1,500 sustainable option that will last for 50 wears instead of the RMB150 alternative that you will have to replace often. In other words, seek items that spark long-term joy, instead of a blink of disposable, fall-to-pieces joy.
Upcycling your pieces
More style creativity
When it comes to fashion, one rule reigns true: personal style always wins. You can really express yourself through upcycling older pieces and using your creativity to transform something old into something new (again) that’s truly unique.

Fashion designer Zhang Na started her label Reclothing Bank to address the issue of textile waste. Over the past decade, we’ve seen her turn coffee bean bags into jackets and experiment with materials made from recycled plastic bottles. Aside from creating her own pieces, she has another special way of giving old clothes a new life.

“Many of my customers come in with great stories about their clothing,” Zhang Na shared with Forbes in 2019. “I had a heartbroken client who came in with clothing pieces that a past girlfriend had given him. He asked me to create something new out of them to remind him of a new beginning.”

Shopping for upcycled pieces is fun, but you can try your hand at upcycling at home, too. Better yet, round up a group of friends for a fun afternoon of swapping unwanted pieces, sharing gossip – er, design inspiration – and creating one-of-a-kind pieces that truly reflect who you are. Don’t let trends dictate your style – sew your own story instead.
Your small efforts
More collective results
You may have heard that in China, a staggering 26 million tons of clothing end up in the trash each year. That’s scary.

But there is hope: some shops offer used garment collection to support your sustainable habits, donating preloved items to those in need, or repurposing the fabric from your pieces. Likewise, textile recycling service Fei Ma Yi offers hassle-free clothing collection across the country.

So, recycling is easy.

You’re probably thinking, still, as just one person in this world of billions, is your effort really going to make a difference? Of course it is. Every contribution, no matter how small, counts towards making the environment more sustainable. After all, living well means living in a better world for us, and for the future – and the best way to live it is to be looking fabulous at the same time.
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From Heart to Plate
Four chefs and
restaurateurs reveal
the real secret behind
their recipes to success
Text: Poppy; Dominic Ngai
The saying of “you are what you eat” isn’t just about the physical – food has an incredibly strong emotional power as well.

Whether it’s mum’s tomato with scrambled eggs, grandma’s baozi or even something on the menu at a restaurant, the dishes that we love aren’t always necessarily about the most luxurious ingredients, or the fanciest setting. It’s the thought – the care, the heart behind the making of them – that counts.

YŌU got in the kitchen with four Shanghai restaurateurs as they prepare to open shop at Taikoo Li Qiantan, and spoke to them about what drives them to do what they do, every day, with heart.
Co-founder of Bloom
No matter what,
stay true to yourself
“My mum is a very good cook,” says Kang. “She instilled into me some of the fundamentals of cooking, such as the important role that seasonings, herbs and spices play in a dish.”

That early influence led the Hebei native to study at the Culinary Institute of America. Armed with experience of working in L.A. and New York, he returned to Shanghai a few years later and opened casual fine dining restaurant Bloom in Jing’an.
This process took nine months, and not without struggle. “It was this time that taught me what ‘heart’ really meant,” Kang says. “It’s about striking the right balance between understanding our customers and taking their needs into consideration while staying true to who [you] are.”

In this “camera eats first” age, Kang is very focused on the presentation of Bloom’s creations. “Our plating style is inspired by everything that grows in the garden,” Kang says. But perhaps the key feature of Bloom’s “garden to table” concept is the more than 100 types of herbs and spices grown in the expansive courtyard that Kang uses in his dishes – an idea that harks back to Kang’s mum’s early teachings, and a dedication to the “heart” of where he comes from.
Raphael Prioul
Chef/Owner of La Parisienne
Do what you love, and
get better at it every day
“When I’m in the kitchen making bread, I’m my happiest self,” says Chef Raphael Prioul. “‘Cooking with heart’, to me, is about doing something that I’m passionate about.” And this boulanger’s passion continues to grow, even after 25 years in the field.

Growing up in a small town in France, as a teenager, Chef Raphael first learned the ins and outs of baking bread and pastries from his best friend’s father. “Every day at midnight, we’d start preparing bread for the next day. That was my first experience with bread making, and I’d been hooked ever since,” he tells us.
Since 2014, Chef Raphael has been sharing the heritage of French baking halfway across the world in Shanghai. Though he’s experienced, the honing of his craft is an ongoing process – one that often includes bumps along the journey. “When we’re designing new menu items, I still fail many times before I succeed. But instead of running away from mistakes, I like to embrace them, and learn from them.”

Case in point: “My wife once said to me that she thought the texture of our croissant was a little ‘off’,” Chef Raphael laughs. “I then spent days reworking the recipe until I got it right.” This mentality of always striving for quality is what defines “cooking with heart” for this baker extraordinaire – and what rewards us with perfect, flaky croissants!
Sam Xue
From Lao Ji Shi and Bar Constellation
Make guests feel at home
through thoughtful details
“We didn’t have refrigerators when I was growing up,” Sam Xue, co-owner of Shanghai F&B institutions Lao Ji Shi and Bar Constellation, tells YŌU. “But in the summer, grandma would always be waiting for me after school with chilled watermelon that she’d soaked in cold water from the well.” Similarly, his mum would always make extra wontons to share with neighbours. “So being able to bring a smile to someone’s face with food is something that I strive to do.”
As a restaurateur, Sam’s heart lies in making sure that his guests are being well taken care of. And just as his family combined food and sentiment for him, Sam and his team will be combining the familiar dishes and drinks from Lao Ji Shi and Bar Constellation into a brand-new dining concept. First up is to modernise some of Lao Ji Shi’s signature dishes with considerations to match the occasion. “For example, we’ll make our fish head with scallion dish with cod or flounder so there will be fewer pieces of bones to pick out, which will be much easier to enjoy in a bar setting,” he explains. “It’s details like these that elevate the guest experience. I really want everyone who comes through our door to feel like they’re enjoying a meal or a drink at their friend’s house.”
Chef / Owner of La Strada, mr.willis,
Henkes, Bang by willis, BOR Eatery,
SOMETHING (new project), AGNES (new project)
Give it your full,
undivided attention
– from start to finish
“I’m a farm boy at heart,” says Australian Chef Craig Willis. “Growing up in an orchard, mum always kept us in the kitchen making cakes and stuffing chickens.” Cooking was central to everything they did – and now, as the owner of eight restaurants in Shanghai, it remains central to what he does.

To Chef Craig, it’s all about putting your heart into the entire cooking process, starting with shopping for ingredients at his neighbourhood market. “When I cook at home, I don’t go to the market with a dish in mind. Instead, I let the season and the available products inspire me,” he shares. 
Next comes prepping and cooking – this is therapeutic for Chef Craig, as they require him to stay focused on the tasks at hand. “I give the ingredients my full attention. If I put a chicken in the oven, I’m always keeping an eye on it, so I’ll know when to take it out,” he says. “Remember, we’re the cook, not the oven!”

Lastly, dishes that are made with heart deserve to be enjoyed with heart, too. “When we get the rare chance to eat together, it’s time to focus on the food and the people around us,” Chef Craig says. “It makes me happy to see a meal that I’ve enjoyed cooking bring people together – and that it brings joy to them, too.”
As you can see, preparing a great dish is more than just shopping for the ingredients, following a recipe and serving it up. Next time you’re in the kitchen, listen to your heart and see what matters most to you – then tie on that apron, heat up the wok, and get cooking.
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Getting Fit
“If I can do it, so can you”
Text: Poppy / Photography: Una Zhu
Part of YŌU is about sharing new perspectives on the world of wellness – stories and people that might help you on your own journey. So when we heard about Chen Jifang, we knew we had to meet her.

Like many people you probably follow on social media, Chen Jifang has an enviable, trim body, toned calves and impressive biceps. There’s just one big difference: she’s 70. Really. And she’s arguably Shanghai’s fittest grandma.
Before she had hundreds of thousands of Douyin followers tuning in to her workout videos, Grandma Chen (as we like to call her) wasn’t always the model of health she is today. Just 10 years ago, she was overweight, had a slow heart rate, and suffered from the “three highs” (cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose). So how did she get to where she is now? It’s not easy for anyone to keep a strenuous exercise regime, let alone someone her age. What’s her secret?

We sat down (after lifting some weights) with Grandma Chen to hear about her fitness journey. Find out how she does it day to day - and regardless of whether you're 17 or 70, how you can, too.
Grandma Chen’s
Workout Wisdom
I took it one
step at a time
“I clenched my teeth through my first push-ups,” she says. “But my coach said, just start with one. Then keep going.”

That became to 10, 20, 30 push-ups. Grandma Chen first discovered fitness when her daughter encouraged her to try yoga to build her stamina. This then led to her playing badminton and later, jogging. The gym, however, was a new challenge – but persistence and hard work brought positive results, and working out is now part of a routine she can’t live without.
I found motivation
in other people
“I enjoy the gym because I get to be around my community, and young people, who keep me young at heart,” she says.

At the tender age of 67, Grandma Chen decided to hit the gym. “I was basically the ‘old newbie’ at the gym,” she jokes. “I had no experience with working out, and the gym had never had a member of my age either.”
I became
best friends
with discipline
“I can’t ‘let go’ as I have before,” says Grandma Chen. “A workout is like changing the water when doing laundry,” she adds. “Your body gets rid of all the toxins and comes out cleaner.”

With just two years of training, Grandma Chen has become fit and fabulous, all spurred on by persistence in both workout and diet. Besides working out daily, she’s also cut back on sugar, oil and salt, and replaced junk food with healthier options.
I don’t make
“Even if I couldn’t make it to the gym, I used makeshift equipment like buckets, jars of oil, and bags of rice as weights,” says Grandma Chen. “It’s not important what I used or where I am, as long as I got moving.”

There’s only one thing to do with excuses: get rid of them. “I hope one day that instead of asking each other, ‘Have you eaten?’ that we’re asking ‘Have you exercised yet?’” she says while flashing a radiant smile. “That instead of ‘Where are you making money?’ we would say, ‘Where are you working out?’”
I found
my balance
“I spend a lot of time working out, and it’s my priority,” says Grandma Chen. “But it’s important to balance it out by doing other things I love.”

Grandma Chen loves to try things that pique her curiosity – that’s what got her into fitness in the first place. When she’s not sweating it out, she loves to watch documentaries, and has even picked up English lessons to further challenge herself. But true balance is also indulging yourself from time to time. “My guilty pleasure is anything made with glutinous rice,” she says. “I love zongzi and niangao!”
And finally, she has
some advice for you:
“Fitness has rewarded me with the gift of health, and it’s never too late to get started,” says Grandma Chen. “Without it, I wouldn’t be able to do all the things that I still want to do. So my young friends, take care of your precious bodies – only then can you complete the missions that you are destined to fulfil. If I can do it, so can you!”
Grandma Chen’s
Daily Workout Schedule
Here’s how she actually does it…
Heads out from home and walks 3.5km to the gym.
Arrives at the gym to start warming up for a three-hour session with her trainer.
Begins morning routine, which involves 3-5 sets per exercise at 12 reps per set. The exercises vary every day, but generally involves lat pull-downs, leg pull-ups, free weights and squats with weights. She does some stretching exercises after each hour.
Leaves the gym and walks home for lunch and rest.
Does simple aerobic exercises at a park near her home for about one hour.
Did you know?
She walks more
than 30,000
steps a day!
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Sustainability & Environment
Wellness at
Taikoo Li Qiantan
How a place can make us
feel so good
Text: Emily Chu
Michael Ellis
Founder and Principal
Have you ever walked inside somewhere and just felt differently? Your breathing calms, your lips lift into a smile, there’s a spring in your step?

It’s not all in your mind – this is because you’ve walked into a place that was designed to make you feel this way. There’s a lot of thinking behind designing for wellness – and YŌU is here to investigate.
Michael Ellis, founder and principal of 5+design, knows a thing or two (or twenty) about designing for wellness. “The nine-year journey of working on Taikoo Li Qiantan (TLQ) has been intensive,” he says. “There was so much energy focused on the character of the project as it developed.” Not only will TLQ be the heart of a new gathering place in a new community in a new district in Shanghai (phew!), it’s also going to redefine what we know about living well.
“The pandemic has led us to re-think what urban living is,” says Michael. “There’s always been a balance between the offerings and complexities of living in an urban place, but now, many people have the desire to breathe a little more freely, have more space, and spend time outside… while still having all the urban amenities they are accustomed to.”

We spoke to Michael about what it takes to design a space that makes us feel good – and that we want to return to, time and time again.
Wellness is about doing
things that bring you physical
and mental peace.
– Michael Ellis
Hi Michael! We’re starting to get the hang of what wellness means, but what does it mean for design?

Hello! Designing for an architectural project is really about understanding functionality of a place, but by focusing on the experience of it. A lot of it has to do with creating environments that can reduce stress, that are warm, inviting, and uplifting, and where activities of wellness can take place.
Well, that sounds familiar! What
other things do you think about?
A lot of designing for wellness, especially for retail spaces, is based on easy navigation – that’s the functionality bit. And then you add things that humans strongly relate to, like biophilic design, which is huge right now. The use of natural materials like wood and stone, which has a lot of character and history, also adds dimension.
And this is the structural design of a place...

…which is just the framework. How you integrate wellness into the life of the project, what we call programming (or the “experience”) is what you layer on it. For TLQ, the choice of tenants, the events and the activities add to its overall design. We want people to say, hey I feel good going there!
As a design firm, what are the most important considerations when designing for wellness?

We think about the three Cs. Connection and Community are really important to people.
In retail design, a lot of people talk about creating an environment that people identify with, and feel a sense of belonging to. With the rise of cell phone and internet use, people don’t want to be isolated even more. So, we try to emphasise connections to surroundings to encourage the coming together of communities.
And what about the last “C”?

Connectivity and community all tie into Contextuality. For us, investigating the context of the projects – the “heart” of it, really – allows us to dig into how people will authentically feel about a place. It then also allows us to derive the character of the project that feels true to where it is.
It must have taken a lot of thinking to establish the architectural character of TLQ…

Actually, we had a lot of help from Qiantan! TLQ will highlight the part of urban living that’s about the exchange with other people. We will maximise the connections with the sports centre, views to the river, the hotel, even the way you exit the subway stations.
The Huangpu River provided us with contextuality; the materiality of water inspired the textures and materials we used. We considered the qualities of the spacious surroundings, the tree-lined boulevard… and addressed this by ensuring that TLQ felt appropriately scaled for that physical environment, which resulted in a design that we’d like to think is subtle, yet impactful.
We keep hearing about sustainability
and living responsibly. Was this a big
part of designing TLQ, too?
Absolutely. A big part of living well is being good to the environment, and an important part of doing architecture is employing ways to mitigate our carbon footprint. For TLQ, it’s in how buildings are oriented, how far materials have travelled, and other complicated mechanical systems and engineering principles.
Social and environmental sustainability are the other components that help to reduce overall impact. So it’s key for projects like TLQ to be embraced by their communities so they aren’t being heavily modified, or removed, so to be sustainable – and therefore considered well designed.
On a smaller scale: what can we do to create a more comfortable home?

To start, think about the “public” areas where your own community hangs out – kitchen, living room – and overlap them: a shared series of spaces that pull from one another can make the space seem bigger than it would if everything was compartmentalised. Then add some warmth and richness with textures, good lighting, good ventilation, and bring nature indoors – nurturing plants is also really great for your mental wellbeing.
And the lesson here is…

That wellness really is about doing things that bring you physical and mental peace, so if it’s something that makes you happy, it’s a big deal!
At YŌU, we talk about the fact that wellness is ever-evolving. What do you think is coming up for the future of wellness design?

We’re in the midst of a substantial global shift in priorities. Wellness is at the top of our minds – we want to be safe, and to be doing the right things. We’re rethinking many things, from our commute time to how we want to enjoy our lives. It will be interesting to create environments that are appropriate for people’s lives as we reflect back on a more holistic view of how we want to live, and to live well.
Pick at TLQ
The bridge is something you’ll go ‘wow’ about. There are two sections to it: one where you’re in it, and the other is a separate walkway on the roof. It’s a cool place with a great view, perfect as a meeting place.
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People &
to Me
But what
about you?
Text: Poppy
At YŌU, we know that wellness is a very personal thing. And now that we’ve turned your attention to it, we hope you’re starting to think about what your wellness is starting to look like, too. Sometimes, though, we’re most inspired by others (or are we just nosey?!) so we’ve asked around to see what living well means to some members of the Shanghai community.
PP, 23
New media executive
& necessary couch potato
Wellness to me is all
doing my best
at work (and escaping
from it after)
“If doing well equals being successful at my job, then being well equally means finding ways to destress after work. Working in media is really hard. Every time there’s breaking news, I’m racing against the clock to be the first to get that story out. But what’s not news? Working overtime! Because after I’ve churned out the story, I still need to make sure it’s getting ‘likes’ on social media. To help us relax and deal with working under this constant pressure, my colleagues and I all have hobbies: some of us have pets, some are into fitness, and some like to dance it out. Well for me, I like to binge watch movies and TV series.
After I ‘LOL’ with the shows, I feel much more relaxed. When my mood has been reset, my physical and mental health will follow, then I’ll be ready to work hard again.”
Betty, 32
Education consultant &
baby daughter’s personal chef
Wellness to me is all about… cooking
nutritious food for my baby, no matter what
“Before having a child, my husband and I didn't cook much – we mostly ordered takeout. After having a baby though, I now have higher standards when it comes to food safety and nutrition. Mums, you know what I’m talking about? I’m always racking my brain to come up with different things to cook for my two-year-old in order for her to eat well. Now, even if it’s troublesome, I’ll learn to cook whatever my daughter wants to eat, because there’s nothing better than seeing her happily enjoying her food.
Because of her, my own eating habits have changed. I used to be a snacking machine. But now, I worry about my children choosing snacks over proper meals, so we don’t dare keep any snacks around the house. Sigh – it’s tough being a mum!”
Luo Xiansen, 28
Office worker & fitness enthusiast
Wellness to me is all
exercising daily
(and a surprise six-pack)
“What’s wellness? Staying fit! I started working out with my roommates in college. But after graduation, many of them stopped training and I’m one of the few from the crew who have kept going. At the beginning, I hit the gym and lifted weights, but now I am hooked on boxing, and I practice for an hour every day without fail.
I really enjoy sweating it out, and really love the feeling of sore muscles after a good workout – what is life without a bit of pain? My physical health is pretty good. I can tell; usually when the weather gets cooler and seasons change, people around me tend to catch colds, but I haven't gotten sick in several years now. Aside from a stronger immune system, I also accidentally gained a six-pack from training. My girlfriend says that’s a bonus!”
Auntie Feng, 53
Retiree & lover of dance & travel
Wellness to me is all
enjoying life in a
friendly neighbourhood
“Before, living well was about working hard and providing for my family, but now it means really enjoying life for myself, with my friends. When I first retired, I had so much free time. My family and children were afraid that I would be bored at home, so they really encouraged me to go and socialise with my peers in the community. I’ve known my friends in the Qiantan neighbourhood for decades – we’re so close and are like sisters, and I have been enjoying my retirement life with them. We have so much fun and life is not boring at all! We plan activities every day; we organise clubs and dance, travel and take photos together.
Our lives are much more fulfilling now compared to the time when we were all working. I am really enjoying my new healthy and active lifestyle.”
Master musician & life explorer
Wellness to me is all
living an
aspirational life
“As a musician, I am always aspiring to do better – a better practice, a better performance. So I also strive to live a better life, all the time. The Qiantan environment is very similar to the one I lived in before in the UK; it’s really international here. It is also very beautiful here: our music academy in Youcheng Park faces the Huangpu River, and the lights are lit up at night.
I love that there is a cycling track and swimming pool, along with cultural and entertainment facilities for some downtime. There are trendy places for young people, and iconic buildings such as the Oriental Sports Center. I like to spend time in the fantastic little cafes around the neighbourhood. Being in such an environment gives me so much inspiration to live even better.”
KC, 29
Yoga teacher &
chocolate connoisseur
Wellness to me is all
balance (literally)
“I got into fitness when I was 17, but mostly concentrated on the body then. But when I was 25, I realised that I should also work on my mental health. Yoga was a game-changer because it let me not only work on my body, but also taught me how to be patient, calm, resilient, and more. I get enough sleep, eat nutritious food, meet with friends, have hobbies, and also work on self-improvement.
I listen to my body and give it the food that it needs; sometimes it needs some chocolate and it’s absolutely fine! I sleep 7-8 hours and drink enough water. Finally, I keep on learning new things to train my brain, and then I share my knowledge with others to also help them stay well. Qiantan, with its beautiful parks and open space, is the perfect place for me to do this.”
Tera, 38
Fashion influencer & stylist
Wellness to me is all
your true self
"I’m in fashion – so to me, my personal opinion matters most, and that includes what it means to live well. You’re not well if you’re not fully being yourself. And it takes confidence to do that – to not listen to what others say or think, and to march to your own march.
When you find your own balance, you will naturally exude a kind of self-confidence, a kind of calm beauty. Everyone has their own unique beauty, you know? But not everyone is able to find it and embrace it and own it proudly. As part of this, I think having your own style is important. For example, I don’t need to chase trends, but instead I explore my heart and find clothes that make me comfortable, both physically and mentally. Once you realise that your style is a direct reflection of your personality, that inner beauty and confidence will shine through for everyone to see.”
So as you can see, whether they’re young men and women in their 20s or a retiree finding a new lease on life, everyone has their own way of interpreting wellness. Now, what does your wellness look like?
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Body & Mind
Let’s get back some
of our “me-space”
Text: Dominic Ngai / Illustration: Lok Wong
We’re hearing more about “me-time”, but YŌU is out to coin a new term: “me-space”.

We’re so connected all the time. Trying to decide on what to eat, what to do, what to buy, how to respond to that text message, and how to finish that presentation in the next hour is exhausting. And when this mental claustrophobia closes in, what we’re actually craving is a little mental space.
There’s no
Space is a funny thing, though. Sometimes a change in physical space can help, but the end goal is to achieve spaciousness that we don’t really see, but feel instead. It’s about gaining a sense of peace and feeling calm.

There’s no “one-size-fit-all” solution to how we ultimately get there – but there are ways to alleviate a range of mental conundrums. We’ve got a few tips here, depending on how you might be feeling and what kind of thing is right for you. We hope that they can help you reclaim some space from all of that chaos – and find a little more for “me”.
1.If you’re overwhelmed
tidy up
Piles of unfinished work, or piles of just plain “stuff”, can cause our anxiety levels to shoot way up and obstruct our focus. So when you find yourself distracted at the office, or when counting sheep fails you at bedtime, it might be worth thinking about your surroundings.

Tidying up, even a tad, is key. But maybe don’t try to attack it all at once – decluttering is a daunting task that’s easier said than done. Think baby steps instead, like adopting a “three-minute rule” to help keep things neat: if you can take care of something quickly, just do it now! If clothing items are taking up more space on your bed than you are, fold them now to keep the bedroom as a pristine sanctuary for rest. If there’s reams of outdated paper forming a fortress around your desk, migrate the unnecessary ones to the recycling bin, pronto. A little self-discipline can really turn that outer mess into inner calm. Give it a try – after all, it’ll only take you a few minutes.
2.If you’re tech-obsessed
Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Our digital age makes it almost impossible to hide from information overload. And whether it’s WeChat, breaking news, the latest Douyin clip, or messages from mum – this kind of constant stimuli can leave us feeling frazzled.

We can hardly shun our mobile phones (we couldn’t live without ours either) but there’s never any harm in thinking about how we can balance our usage. Maybe you could try a relaxation or mindfulness app that works for you – like the Apple Watch’s “Breathe”. Spending a few minutes a day to centre yourself gives you a time to pause within the hustle, and will remind you that, “Hey, I have some spare space after all; there’s some breathing space here” (in several senses). Also, that Do Not Disturb setting? Instead of just logging it in your phone, programme it into yourself. Challenge yourself to disconnect every so often and quickly escape the craziness that’s going on around you. If you’re going to be attached to your phone, let it help you – not stress you out.
3.If you’re feeling lonely
Humans are social beings, and we feel more secure when we feel like we belong somewhere. Connections with our circles, and especially maintaining them in person, are becoming even more crucial to our wellbeing. Because who are we without our support system?

Great news: many public projects have now been designed to be more people-focused. What we used to see as elements built to connect us from one place to another – an eye-catching bridge, an open plaza, spacious parks dotted with benches – are now becoming places at which to meet. These seemingly simple, fleeting moments in such communal spaces are what will enrich us in the long run. So, book in time with your BFF to share updates over a double-shot-extra-foam-soy-latte, to take a stroll together to burn off the dessert calories, or to “ooh” and “ahh” over the contents of each other’s picnic basket out on the lawn. Nurturing that sense of belonging – and togetherness – will fill your cup with happy memories that will fuel you in the days ahead.
4.If you’re
        always on the go
slow down
We’re always chasing something these days: a deadline, an appointment, even a bus! Living with such a “go, go, go” culture can cause us to lose sight of why we’re doing what we’re doing in the first place.

When your mind feels murky and grey, paint over it with some green. Greenery, that is. Nature can help us destress, but more importantly, its magical restorative powers can protect us from more serious mental health issues. Being in nature doesn’t have to mean a complicated itinerary on Mafengwo though; we’re not talking about epic hikes on the Huangshan. Just add it into your daily routine. Take a break in a garden and relax. Detour from your work commute, meander through a park and just take it slow. Or bring home some botanical pets. So make it a point to head outside, soak in the sound of birds chirping, stretch your legs, and give yourself a little head space to daydream to your heart’s content.
5. If you’re feeling stuck
So finally, there’s one other kind of space to deal with – blank space. Mind blank. A funk. Boredom. Help!

Sometimes, we appreciate a little respite to counter the constant buzzing around us. But extreme boredom can lead to a loss of motivation, which might result in helplessness. That’s not what you want. What you do want, however, is something artistic. That twinge of excitement after seeing new artwork – it’s called inspiration! Art is therapeutic on many levels; it enhances brain function and raises serotonin (the “happy chemical”) levels. Exploring the mind of another artist can take you out of your own thoughts and into new perspectives. Better yet, immersing yourself in a large scale outdoor installation can kill two birds with one stone (see above: get outside). Chasing a sense of limitless creativity will bring you to a whole new place in your mind – and right in to that “me-space” that you love.
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(Live Well)意味着什么呢?
撰文: 朱文萱 / 插图: Lok Wong
  许多人每天都在问自己这个问题。而一场疫情,让更多人开始思考它。现在,让我们一起走进Live Well的世界......
  虽然我们住在全球的各个角落,但追求更好的生活这个目标确是全人类一致的。说到Wellness却不得不提到一个词 —— 幸福感。






  而年轻一代更是引领绿色生活的中坚力量。上海生态环保设计展联合创办兼承办人Sherry Poon说:“千禧年代的朋友会更加有动力投入绿色生活,因为环境的问题就发生在他们身边,比如清晨的雾霾和受到污染的江水,都在时刻提醒他们需要做些改变。”

  “Wellness相当个性化又很奇妙;每个人的身体、心灵、细胞与基因都是独一无二的,所以我们可以按照对自己的了解,给自己打造一套Wellness的规划与生活方式,”健康教练兼中医食疗导师Kimberly Ashton说。你的Wellness宝藏,由你自己亲手积累;和成千上万人的健康宝藏一起,堆成一座闪闪发光的金山,构筑更健康的社会。
  把Wellness带进你的生活,其实一点也不复杂,只要做一些小小的改变(甚至是看上去有点傻的改变!)就可以。那么,第一步该做什么? 如果每一点幸福都可以化成一颗糖果加入到你的“幸福糖果罐”,你的罐子里会是怎样的?就用我们以下提供的Wellness小建议,来给你的糖果罐加一点新口味吧。下一次遇到了闷闷不乐的事情,只要吃上一口,一切不快都会烟消云散。
不管你的工时是715还是996,工作再重要也得休息。到了周末,把神经松弛下来,定一个你自己的“数字时间表”(比如888: 睡觉、社交、独处各8小时),善用难得的休息日。给自己定个规则:比如离开办公室就不谈公事、或是只允许自己花一小部分休闲时间处理工作。试一试,一定会有惊喜!
每天我们都兼顾许多事情:家庭、工作、亲朋、生活的琐事等等。但不要忘记,“你”才是最重要的,要先照顾好自己,你需要好好生活,Live Well。
听Julia Zhu 分享
Inner Wellness



  我一路走来,其中最重要的一个发现是,所有的人,无论他处于哪个年龄段、身居怎样的职业背景,他们心底里都抱持着完全相同的一个需要:Inner Happiness(内在的愉悦)和Inner Wellness(内在的健康),这种内在最底层的愉悦与健康,如同一部持续运作的引擎,激发着每一个人做出决定或行动,也帮助人取舍,要做一些什么,或者不做一些什么。
  吊诡的是,如果你仔细观察,很多情况下,我们所采取的行动与自己内在最底层的需求背道而驰。比如网购,原本我们是希望通过网络令自己更便捷地购买所需的商品;而实际上,我们迷失在无止境的网络信息与选择中,毫无头绪,因此付出比预期更多的时间和金钱。这个纠结的过程使我们跟所渴望的Inner Happiness越来越远。

  换而言之,Inner Happiness在于你是否能够为自己做出明智的抉择。这种智慧的培养并不容易,却是可以实现的,它和我们的Awareness(觉察力)有关。
Inner Happiness


  我会为重要的事情安排时间去做,而不是“等有时间再做”。 去年,你跟多少人说过 “找时间一起吃饭”?有多少次你真的做到呢? 其实这代表两个可能性:要么这位朋友不太重要;要么是我没有去安排出这顿饭的时间。后者的话,我就直接拿起电话跟朋友安排时间,并放进自己的日历中。

  不要以为你躲开困难与挑战,或者咬紧牙关、排除万难闯过所有障碍,才能得到Inner Happiness和Inner Wellness。相反,它们是我们的内在原本就有的东西,但是需要我们在这个随时和不确定性共舞的世间里不断地去长养。我选择在生命的每一个瞬间去长养它们,你呢?
撰文: 魏国燊



  无可厚非,每一季我们都想给自己添置一些流行的款式。慢时尚理念绝不是让我们停止时尚,而是在购买之时多一些长远考虑 —— 手工细致、品质精良的衣物,都是值得长期投资的良品。LVMH集团的“可持续发展时尚计划”完美贯彻了这一理念,该计划旗下的许多品牌,例如LOEWE,Christian Dior和Stella McCartney,都致力于生产既漂亮实用又造福地球的服饰。以奢侈羊绒品牌Loro Piana为例,采用“Loro Piana方法”来生产高质量的羊绒,在确保品质的前提下,遵从可持续发展理念 —— 在内蒙古阿拉善地区精心培育山羊、采集细腻柔软的山羊绒。过程中周密考虑到了动物、环境和人口的平衡性:将小山羊绒与成年山羊绒分开,确保了小山羊绒的纯净极致;同时提高每只山羊的羊绒产量,让牧民管理更少的羊,从而照顾得更好。




  或许你仍然会怀疑,仅凭一己之力,真的可以改变这个世界吗?答案是绝对的!善举不分大小,小小的贡献,可以汇聚成河,以涌泉之力,推动环境的可持续发展。“Living Well”,就是以最美丽的姿态和心灵,自由生活在这个生机勃勃的地球之上。而这座迷人星球的环境与未来,就掌握我们的手中。
撰文: Poppy; 魏国燊


  Kang说: “我妈妈是个厨艺高手,她教会了我很多烹饪的基础,比如调料、香草和香料对菜肴提味的重要性。”

  年少时的启蒙,让祖籍河北的他飞到美国烹饪学院进修。在洛杉矶与纽约餐饮界累积了数年经验后,他回到上海,在静安区开了一家精致的休闲餐馆 —— Bloom。

  在这个“手机镜头先吃”的时代,Kang特别注重Bloom餐厅菜肴的“颜值”。他说:“我们的摆盘风格灵感源自自家菜园的出品。”当然Bloom“从菜园到餐桌” 的风格,除了摆盘之外,更重要的是把自家宽敞的后院培植出的100多种香草和香料入馔,令食物活色生香。这一理念源自母亲早期对Kang的教导,也恰是他烹饪的初心。
Raphael Prioul
La Parisienne餐厅的主厨/老板
  大厨Raphael Prioul说:“在厨房做面包的我就是最快乐的自己。‘用心烹饪’对我而言,就是满怀热情完成每一道工序。”他深耕烘焙行业25年,依然热情满溢。


Sam Xue
  本帮菜老吉士和酒池星座的Sam Xue告诉《优》:“我成长的年代是没有冰箱的。夏天,奶奶会把西瓜沉在井底冰凉的水里,等我放学回家。”他母亲做馄饨时,也会多做一些跟左邻右里分享。“我开餐厅的初衷,就是用心打造让食客会心一笑的佳肴。”Sam说。

餐馆La Strada、 mr.willis、 Henkes、 
BOR Eatery、 SOMETHING (新项目) 、 
AGNES(新项目) 的主厨/老板
  “从内而外我就是一个农场人,” 来自澳大利亚的大厨Craig Willis说,“我从小在果园长大,妈妈会把我们拉进厨房,不是弄蛋糕就是填馅烤鸡。” 从小到大,Craig大多数的时间都用在烹饪上。现在他已经在上海拥有8家餐馆,而烹饪,仍然是他生活的重心。


  听了主厨与老板们的分享,想必你会有所启发 —— 原来,煮一餐好饭,要在买菜、烹饪和摆盘上都用“心”。下一次下厨的时候,不妨聆听你的心,问问自己最重视的是什么,随后,再穿上围裙,热锅做菜。用心打造的一餐一饭,便是人间至味。
撰文: Poppy / 摄影: Una Zhu
  《优》为你搜罗全球Wellness新动态,在健康人生的跑道上,帮你找到同行者, 让精彩的故事与人物,为你领航配速,加油鼓劲。今天,我们故事的主角,也是一位当之无愧的领航人,名叫陈继芳。

  就像你平时关注的网红博主一样,陈继芳拥有令人艳羡的身材、结实修长的小腿,还有线条迷人的肱二头肌 —— 唯一不同的是,她已年逾70!所以,她绝对有可能是全上海肌肉线条最完美的奶奶!







  浓烈的好奇心,始终推动着陈奶奶尝试新事物,健身也是好奇心驱动下的产物。空闲的时候,她喜欢看纪录片;最近她也开始了一项全新挑战 —— 学习英语。当然啦,想要偶尔犒劳锻炼的辛苦,最简单快速的方法自然是美食。陈奶奶笑道:“糯米是我的挚爱,尤其是粽子和年糕!”

3 万多步!
撰文: 朱文萱
Michael Ellis

  如果你去过这样的地方,那一定不是你的错觉!因为,这个地方很有可能是被精心设计打造而成的,一砖一瓦皆能营造出舒适愉悦的 “Wellness”氛围。“Wellness”设计概念背后的秘密,本期《优》为你一探其详。
  “五杰设计”(5+design)创办人兼执行董事Michael Ellis深耕Wellness设计理念多年,对此,他绝对是最有发言权的人之一。“前滩太古里的项目已经密集进行了9年,我们把所有精力都集中在开发它的个性与特色之上。”他感慨道。崭新的前滩区域正在崛起,前滩太古里不仅将成为魔都最热门的地标之一,也必将刷新我们对美好生活的定义。

– Michael Ellis
Hi,Michael! Wellness 一词值得细细研究,对建筑来说,Wellness代表着什么呢?



环境脉络 (Contextuality)。


我们一直听到“可持续发展”和 “环保生活”。这些概念是否也融入了前滩太古里的设计?

那当然。善待环境是“Living Well”的重要组成部分,而想尽办法减少碳排放则是我们做建筑的要务。从前滩太古里角度看,这涉及建筑物的朝向、建材的运送、其他复杂的机械系统的运作以及工程准则的制定。

首先,仔细想想,家里的厨房、客厅都是我们共享的“公共”空间,你可以试着把这些空间重叠 —— 没有阻隔的空间比一个个分隔开的空间显得更宽敞。然后,从布置的材质、灯光、通风系统和室内植物着手,把温馨的气氛与丰富的色彩带进屋,毕竟摆弄花草也可以怡情养性。


时下,全球各地的人都在思考,什么才是人生的“优先级”。对我们来说,Wellness是首要考虑因素 —— 我们努力打造安全又有益的空间。仔细思考每一个细节,从出行的时间到享受生活的方式。当我们全面地反思自己想过怎样的生活、想如何过得好的时候,才能更设身处地地为人们打造出完美的环境。我非常享受这个过程,乐在其中!
Michael Ellis
撰文: Poppy
PP, 23
Betty, 32
KC, 29
Tera, 38
撰文: 魏国燊 / 插图: Lok Wong
  最近,许多文章都会被打上#me-time(自己的时间)的标签;《优》却想另辟蹊径,给今天的这篇文章打上 #me-space(自己的空间)的标签。

  我们每天奔波忙碌,被大小琐事牵着走 — 今天吃什么、做什么、买什么、怎样回复信息、怎样完成PPT …… 脑袋转个不停,常常感觉“心好累”!精神上仿佛患了幽闭恐惧症。当四面八方的焦虑袭来,我们急需一场大扫除,把负面情绪统统扫走。
  怎样才能寻回个人空间?这个问题没有标准答案,最适合自己的方法才是最好的。无从下手的话,不妨参照我们给你列出的几个窍门,或许你能从中获得灵感。现在开始,帮心灵删繁就简,留出更多me space,告别凌乱。
1. 当你压力爆棚

  试着开始打扫收拾吧,定会收获意想不到的惊喜。我们不是让你一开始就彻底打扫整个房间,又累又不切实际。试试先迈出一小步,比如,采用“三分钟定律”—— 任何可以快速整理的物品空间,立刻着手整理;又或者,床上堆了一大堆衣服,那就用上三分钟叠一叠,来保持这块“睡眠圣地”的纯粹;如果书桌上堆着一座“纸山”,那赶快花三分钟移开,把不要的纸丢入可回收垃圾桶 …… 小小的自律,帮你整理纷乱外物,换来平静内心,只需要几分钟时间,何乐而不为?


  令人欣慰的是,现在许多公共项目的设计都秉承以人为本的理念。廊桥、广场、公园、长椅 …… 这些建筑元素,不再仅仅是冷冰冰的公共设施,而是已渐渐变成我们的休闲聚集地,熙熙攘攘、洋溢温情。这些充满人情味的空间,为我们缔造无数欢乐时光。所以,何不赶快约个挚友,边聊聊近况边喝杯超浓奶泡豆乳拿铁?或是逛街散散步,边走边消耗甜品带来的卡路里;又或者可以在如茵的草坪上野餐,欢声笑语,心里暖暖的。社交活动给我们带来的,除了归属感,更是愉悦的记忆,为我们未来的时光注入鲜活动力。

  当你的心情蒙上了一层灰,不妨拿出“心灵刷子”,为它涂上一点绿吧 —— 大自然可以帮我们舒缓压力,更可修复心灵,守护我们的精神健康。要投身自然,不用特意搜寻“马蜂窝”的行程(我们可不是非要特意去完成一个爬黄山的壮举);其实,在每天的通勤日程之中,当下就可以亲近自然:到花园小歇片刻、下班绕个道去街心公园散散步,或是买几盆生机勃勃的盆栽回家。总之,多去户外走走,在鸟语花香间舒展筋骨。更重要的是,给自己留一点发呆的时间,放空自己。
5. 当你一筹莫展
